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Who are we?

We are a community of training experts, facilitators, consultants, and brands, operating   in the Lithuanian and international markets since 2002. We are authors of  experiential training programmes and consultants, assisting organisations in their growth by empowering their employees, leaders, and teams.

We care about people within organisations - their interpersonal   relationships, inner readiness, emotional climate. We see our work as efforts   to strengthen genuineness  in interpersonal relationships, teams, organisations, and communities, through training, councelling, research, and methodological development   activities.

Our approach

We perceive a genuine life as one where we are consciously self-aware, making  accurate choices and decisions, and forming true and meaningful connections with others. Embracing genuineness in our lives fosters personal growth, strengthens teams, organizations, and communities, as it enables us to better understand ourselves and those around us. Through this understanding, we can naturally enact the positive changes we seek.

Our mission

Helping people in organisations and communities to create more genuine lives by navigating the challenges of collaboration and togetherness. Enabling them to achieve a deeper understanding of reality, grasp needs and goals more thoroughly, and make informed decisions while acting with greater intentionality.

Our approach

We perceive a genuine life as one where we are consciously self-aware, making accurate choices and decisions, and forming true and meaningful connections with others. Embracing genuineness in our lives fosters personal growth, strengthens teams, organizations, and communities, as it enables us to better understand ourselves and those around us. Through this understanding, we can naturally enact the positive changes we seek.

Our principles and methods of work

Respecting experience

In our view, there is no objective truth in working with people; it is much more important to understand not the correct answer, but to explore authentic human experience and how it is interpreted by the individual in a specific context. We analyse experience together in an equal relationship and help identify what emerges as important aspects of learning.

Experiential learning

This is one of our main methodological approaches is that people learn best when they are actively engaged in activities and can reflect on their actions. Engaging in problem-solving, collaborative, or other active activities with others, even if they are not directly related to everyday tasks, elicits similar patterns of behavior, communication, and interaction as in everyday life. We assist you in recognizing, analyzing, and, if you choose, changing them.


We work with people in a respectful and open manner, promoting their independence and awareness. We do not employ manipulative techniques, nor do we train them in our programmes. We trust in people's ability to make decisions freely and encourage critical thinking.

Exploring inner readiness

We define competence as ability to act in specific situation, which requires knowledge, skills, and inner readiness. Inner readiness encompasses constructs such as attitudes, values, emotional states, habits, and attitudes towards ourselves and others. In developing competencies, we not only emphasize acquiring knowledge and skills, but also place particular emphasis on uncovering our inner readiness, which we firmly believe forms the foundation of our behavior. Once we have uncovered this inner layer of readiness, we can anticipate behavioral changes.

Our partners

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Our affiliates and partners

Our affiliates and partners are organizations we work with to create shared learning products for teams, organizations and people professionals. It is a consolidated and expanded competence for your learning.

Our affiliates and partners

Mūsų  filialai ir partneriai yra organizacijos, su kuriomis bendradarbiaujame kurdami bendrus mokymosi produktus komandoms, organizacijoms bei su žmonėmis dirbantiems profesionalams. Tai konsoliduota ir praplėsta kompetencija jūsų mokymuisi.

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